Unexpected hiatus…

No sooner had I announced that that I would happily continue blogging than life throws a spanner in the works – grrr!.

I’ve had some problems with moisture in my house and it turns out the damage may be so extensive that parts of the floor has to be replaced. I am therefore forced to pack up nearly all of my electronics DIY-supplies and put them in storage to clear out my work room, so over the summer I will be very limited in terms of what I can do and build.

There are a few potential upsides to this (as unlikely as that might sound). Firstly, I can still do some speaker DIY. Secondly, having to pack all up all my stuff might be a welcome opportunity for some clean up before eventually moving it back in. In the mean time though, it is just a very annoying, extremely inconvenient and potentially also quite expensive experience…

There will no doubt still be the occasional update from here over the summer, but until I know how this plays out I can’t really say more than that.